◆廣州南沙 資料圖片

【原文】摘錄自6月21日香港《文匯報》:香港再出發(fā)大聯(lián)盟與團結香港基金聯(lián)合發(fā)表《香港青年於廣州創(chuàng )業(yè)的機遇與挑戰》報告,顯示港青對內地行業(yè)運作、創(chuàng )業(yè)模式,以至兩地政府的資助形式和補貼政策並不熟悉,申請政府資助時(shí)遇困難,又認為內地創(chuàng )業(yè)政策轉變快。


目前,在大灣區內地城市創(chuàng )業(yè)的港人眾多,廣州等地設有多個(gè)專(zhuān)門(mén)面向港澳人士的創(chuàng )業(yè)園區以及孵化基地,涵蓋創(chuàng )科、文化藝術(shù)等。以廣州南沙為例,截至2021年,當地累計落戶(hù)港資企業(yè)2,747家,累計投資總額1,137.27億美元,發(fā)展漸趨成熟。當地創(chuàng )業(yè)青年和企業(yè)已形成一定規模的群體,所需要的支援也相應變得多元紛繁。

有關(guān)報告指出,北上創(chuàng )業(yè)港青遇上困難,其中最主要是缺乏人脈和推廣渠道,無(wú)法精準營(yíng)銷(xiāo)、融入當地的市場(chǎng)、推廣生意。有港青就反映,他們對廣州創(chuàng )業(yè)環(huán)境仍然陌生,對各種創(chuàng )業(yè)補貼政策缺乏認識,也有人認為孵化基地發(fā)展同質(zhì)化。

大灣區內地城市擁有8,000多萬(wàn)人口的市場(chǎng),創(chuàng )業(yè)成本較香港低,兩地政府近年都對北上發(fā)展的港青提供更多優(yōu)惠政策。不論特區和中央政府、省、市,以至一個(gè)區,都各自有針對北上創(chuàng )業(yè)港青的措施。例如,廣州市有「五計劃一平臺」15項措施,廣州轄下的黃埔區政府聯(lián)同廣州開(kāi)發(fā)區管理委員會(huì )也出臺「港澳青創(chuàng )10條」,補貼和支援涵蓋面甚廣。


有意見(jiàn)認為,特區政府應提供短期就業(yè)技能培訓,以「先就業(yè),後創(chuàng )業(yè)」模式協(xié)助港青北上創(chuàng )業(yè)。要持續燃起港青創(chuàng )業(yè)的雄心壯志,及時(shí)到位的支援更為需要重視。

去年4月特區政府駐粵辦設立粵港澳大灣區發(fā)展推廣中心,旨在協(xié)助港人及港企把握大灣區發(fā)展機遇。既然駐粵辦新增了機構和資源,應及早在傳遞惠港政策資訊、援助港青創(chuàng )業(yè)所需發(fā)揮更大作用,以利打破資訊障礙,讓有意北上探索的港青更好把握灣區機遇。特區政府宜與內地政府深入研究,整合優(yōu)惠措施資訊,為港青提供更貼身扶助,為他們北上就業(yè)創(chuàng )業(yè)增強信心。

Promote smooth information flow between the two regions to boost confidence of HK youths in entrepreneurship

【譯文】The Hong Kong Coalition and the Our Hong Kong Foundation jointly released a report titled “Opportunities and Challenges for Hong Kong Youths on their Entrepreneurial Journey in Guangzhou”. The report shows that Hong Kong youths are not familiar with the operations of mainland industries, the mode of business start-ups, as well as the funding forms and subsidy policies provided by the governments of both regions. They encounter difficulties when applying for government funding and think that mainland policies on starting up businesses change rapidly.

With adequate infrastructure and hardware support in the Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area, coupled with the vast hinterland, Hong Kong youths have a large stage to fulfil their ambitions. However, the scattered information poses challenges for them to go northward for development. The Government should strengthen cooperation with the Mainland authorities and actively establish an information-accessible assistance mechanism, so that Hong Kong young people can put aside their worries and write a wonderful life.

At present, many Hong Kong people have start-up businesses in the Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area. Guangzhou and other places have set up a number of entrepreneurship parks and incubation bases dedicated to Hong Kong and Macao citizens, covering innovation and technology, culture and arts, etc. Taking Guangzhou's Nansha as an example, as of 2021, 2,747 Hong Kong-funded enterprises have registered there, with a total investment amount of US$113.727 billion, and the development is gradually maturing. The local entrepreneurial youth and enterprises have formed a certain scale of groups, and the support they need has become diversified and complicated accordingly.

The report points out that Hong Kong youth who have gone north to start up businesses have encountered difficulties, the most important of which is the lack of personal connections and promotion channels, which makes it impossible for them to accurately market their businesses, integrate into the local market and promote their businesses. Some Hong Kong youths have reflected that they are still unfamiliar with the entrepreneurial environment in Guangzhou, and they lack knowledge of the various policies on entrepreneurial subsidies, while some think that the development of incubation bases has become homogeneous.

The mainland cities in the Greater Bay Area have a market of more than 80 million people, and the costs of starting a business are lower than those in Hong Kong. In recent years, the governments of both regions have provided more preferential policies for Hong Kong youths who have gone northward for development. Whether it is the HKSAR, the Central Government, or the governments of provinces, cities, or even a district, they all have measures for Hong Kong youth who start businesses in the north. For example, Guangzhou has put in place 15 measures under the "Five Programmes and One Platform", and the Huangpu District Government of Guangzhou, together with the Guangzhou Development District Management Committee, has also introduced the "10 Rules for Hong Kong and Macao Youth Entrepreneurs", which cover a wide range of subsidies and support.

However, information on the various incentives and measures is fragmented and easily missed by Hong Kong youth travelling to the north. Many Hong Kong youths still need further assistance in the practical operation of using WeChat, Xiaohongshu and other popular business promotion platforms in the Mainland to introduce their products, and it would be appropriate for the governments of the two places to give them a helping hand.

Some opinions believe that the Government should provide short-term employment skills training and adopt the "employment first, business start-up later" mode to assist Hong Kong youths to go northward to start up their own businesses. Timely and effective support is all the more important if we are to sustain the ambition of Hong Kong youths to start up their own businesses.

In April last year, the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Guangdong set up the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Development Promotion Centre, with the aim of assisting Hong Kong people and Hong Kong enterprises to seize the opportunities arising from the development of the Greater Bay Area. With the addition of new organisations and resources, the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Guangdong should play a greater role in disseminating information on policies that are beneficial to Hong Kong and providing assistance to Hong Kong youths in starting up their businesses, so as to break down the information barrier and enable Hong Kong youths who intend to explore the Greater Bay Area to better grasp the opportunities in the area. The Government should conduct in-depth research with the mainland government, integrate preferential measure information, provide more intimate assistance for Hong Kong youth, and enhance their confidence in employment and entrepreneurship in the north.◆ Tiffany